No file selected


Transpose Helper

Octave Up    Octave Down    Original Octave

Original Key:

Transpose from:     Transpose to:

0 semitones
0 semitones
Transpose Command: %%transpose 0

abcPlay Help

Shortcut Keys:

TPlay Tune from start
SPlay Selection only
LPlay tune or selection in a Loop
PContinue Play from last stop
CContinue play from last stop
SpacebarToggle between Pause and Continue Play
MHide or display the left-side blue Menu area
Ctrl-PPrint to paper or PDF file
HView the Help window
EscClose the Edit, Print, Transpose, Help, or Tune List windows

Play Functions

You can play the current tune by clicking one of the Play buttons, pressing one of the Play shortcut keys, or RIGHT clicking in the music area to display a Play menu.

To play a selection, left click the starting note, right click the ending note, then press the "S" shortcut key, click the "Selection" button, or RIGHT click the music area, then click "Selection."

To stop playback, press the Spacebar, click any Play button, press any Play key, or left click in the music area. Pressing the Spacebar will toggle between Pause and Continue Play.

Tune List

If you open an abc file that contains a collection of tunes, you'll see a tune list which gives you the option to select a single tune to view and play, or an option to view all tunes.

If you select a single tune, you can transpose, save it as a MIDI file, or save it as a single tune, but you cannot not edit it.

If you select all tunes, you can edit and save the collection, but transpose and MIDI save are not available.

Large collections of 150,000 characters or more cannot be displayed in their entirety due to memory constraints. The "All Tunes" option will not be available, but you will still be able to view and play individual tunes.

Voice Mute

If your ABC file uses multiple voices, you will see a checklist of voices in the blue control area. To play a voice, check the voice's checkbox. To mute the voice, uncheck its checkbox.

MIDI File Download

The Save MIDI button saves the currently displayed music in MIDI format. It works well with simple music, but may give inaccurate results with complex music or music that uses unsupported ABC directives.

The saved MIDI file will follow the configuration of the Play block chords checkbox. However, please note that the MIDI save function does not produce block-style chords, but uses a bass-note/chord pattern instead.


For the best printing results, set the margins setting to "None."

If you are using Windows and want to print to a PDF file, choose "Save as PDF" in the Destination setting instead of "Microsoft Print to PDF." Using "Save to PDF" will offer to save your file named named with the song's title. The other setting does not.

Preference File

You can set preferences in playPref.js. Open the file in a text editor to see what settings are available and for instructions.

Run abcPlay in an App Window

If you using abcPlay locally on a Windows computer, you can create a shortcut that will run abcPlay in an app window instead of in a browser. Simply double click the file create_app_shortcut.vbs to create the shortcut. You can download a local version of abcPlay at


The code for abcPlay is based on abc2svg-1.js, edit-1.js, and edit-1.xhtml by Jean-François Moine. For more information, view and

The file transposition and MIDI download functions in abcPlay use abcjs, written by Paul Rosen and Gregory Dyke:

The Transpose Helper function is adapted from the abcConverter webpage Transposing Help function by Simon Becker at